EdenSlovenia.com is a registered trademark of Apartmaji.com d.o.o.

The general conditions for offering services are part of the contract in other words the invoice, between Apartmaji.com d.o.o., Ljubljanska cesta 4, 4260 Bled, Slovenia, ID 99979993 as a Tour Operator and the traveller who accepts the arrangement offered. Everything that is listed in the general conditions represents a legal commitment for the travellers, as well as for Apartmaji.com d.o.o.. When making a booking, traveller confirms that he has the authority to accept these conditions on his behalf and on behalf of all members of the group and further, if one is making a booking for more than one person, that he is responsible for all payments due from each and every member of the group for whom he is making a booking.


Tour Operator ensures services according to the information published and valid at the time of the confirmation of reservation, and according to the description and travel period in accordance with confirmed reservations except in circumstances beyond our control such as illness of the service provider or his/her immediate family, outstanding circumstances which cannot be foreseen nor eliminated (pandemics, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, sanitary disruptions, fires, droughts, wars, strike, terrorist actions and limitations issued by the government mobilization, country exit ban)


Prices are informative. Prices and taxes are currently in force and subject to availability. Rates are per person, based on two persons sharing a room, including breakfast unless otherwise mentioned. All rates are subject to change without prior notice due to increases imposed by hotel, airlines, currency fluctuation and fuel surcharges.


All reservations must be made by electronic form or by email or Edenslovenia’s website. By confirming a reservation, the traveller confirms that he/she is aware of the General Terms and conditions of the travel services and fully comprehends and accepts these terms which are binding for both the Traveller and the tour operator.

To guarantee the reservation a 30% deposit is required, unless agreed otherwise. For bookings made within 14 days of arrival, full payment is required. It is the traveller’s responsibility to ensure that any information which they give to tour operator is accurate and that information which is given to them by a tour operator is passed on. Inquires and accommodation reservations can be made via email, in writing or in person at any of the tour operator’s branch offices as well as at the offices of our partner travel agencies. The Tour Operator provides the traveller  with the appropriate materials in electronic form, presenting all relevant information regarding the trip, and provides or points out the general terms and conditions of the trip which are an integral part of this Agreement. The traveller is obligated to provide any information required for the reservation process. A deposit is required depending on the chosen payment method. The balance payment is due at least 14 days before arrival unless otherwise specified upon booking confirmation. The service provider reserves the right to withhold service to the Traveller if the Traveller brings a pet to the accommodation without previously notifying the Agency or the service provider. In this case, the Tour Operator is not obligated to accept complaints made by the traveller on the quality of the booked accommodation or services.


Upon receiving a booking, we will send you written confirmation. With written confirmation we guarantee all services as per our program.

ON-LINE OR PHONE BOOKING In case of online or phone booking or purchase of a products, general booking conditions, published on www.edenslovenia.com or relevant agent, apply. Should the published conditions or offer details differ, general booking conditions, published on www.edenslovenia.com, apply. It is considered that the customer has received and accepted the conditions at the time of the on-line booking. The booking is only valid once the full payment has been made – 3 days after the online booking or as agreed. If the payment for the online booking is not received under the agreed terms, it is considered invalid.


A 30% deposit is required at booking of a product from the Escorted tour catalogue. For all the other products the deposit of 30 % is required, unless agreed otherwise. The rest of the payment- must be received at least 30 days before arrival. The tour operator has the right to cancel a reservation in case the payment has not been received within the agreed terms. Payment can be made by a bank transfer or by credit card.   The players and recipient bank transfer fees are covered entirely by the client.


The offered accommodation units are described in accordance with the official categorization of the proper authority, as well as the actual state of the unit at the time of its publication. The standards of the accommodation, food, services and the like vary depending on the destination/country and are not subject to comparison. The information provided to the traveller at the point of sale does not obligate the Tour Operator any more than the information stated on the web pages of www.edenslovenia.com or in the catalogue or other printed materials of the Tour Operator.   Please note that the standard policy is that rooms are usually available for check in after 2 PM. Early check in needs to be advised in advance and is subject to availability.


The Agency’s obligation is providing services as well as selecting the service provider while taking into consideration the rights and interests of travellers in accordance with the traditions of the tourism industry. The Agency will fulfil all the above-mentioned obligations as described, except in circumstances beyond its control (Article 2) in which the Agency will proceed as stated in Article 12.


  The traveller is obligated to: – Have valid travel documentation – Respect and abide by all customs and foreign exchange regulations of the destination country – Respect and abide by all customs and foreign exchange regulations as well as the laws and other regulations of the Republic of Slovenia as well as other countries through which he/she passes through or resides in. Inquire whether or not he/she requires a visa for the destination country as well as neighbouring countries.  In the event the traveller is unable to continue the trip as a result of being in direct violation of these regulations, the traveller is responsible for all related expenses. – Abide by the house rules of the accommodation unit as well as cooperate with the service provider in a well-intentioned manner. – Present the service provider in the document proving paid service (voucher received via e-mail or fax). – Announce the intention of bringing a pet into the accommodation unit, even if the accommodation unit is described as a pet friendly accommodation, as well as announce the type and size of the pet.


Each traveller is responsible for carrying a valid passport and for possessing the required visa. The agency is not liable for any consequences that the absence of travel documents, etc. may have if travellers fail to inform the tour operator of such issues.


The tour operator is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to the luggage during the trip, including during luggage handling during hotel-airport or vice versa transfers.


We strongly advise travellers to take out travel insurance covering the costs of accidents or death, treatment of illnesses, transport home and loss or damage of luggage and similar.

Every change in the reservation has to be previously confirmed and agreed from the agency.


If the traveller wishes to change or cancel a confirmed reservation he/she must do so in writing (via e-mail or fax). Changes or cancellations by telephone are not permitted and will not be accepted. In the event that the traveller should request to make a change or cancel a confirmed reservation, the date on which the written cancellation is received, during regular Tour Operator’s working hours, will represent the basis for the cost calculation. If the written cancellation is received outside regular Tour Operator’s working hours, the cancellation date which will represent the ground for calculating cancellation costs will be the following working day of the tour operator.   The cancellation charges will be calculated as follows (unless agreed otherwise): More than 90 days before arrival date, 10% of the total amount 89 – 61 days before arrival date 30% of the total amount, 60 – 31 days before arrival date 70% of the total amount, 30 – 0 days before arrival date 100% of the total amount. In the case of no-show, all reserved services will be charged.

Both parties have the right to cancel the reservation any time in case restrictions and measurements from the government and the national health board, due to the COVID 19 prohibit travelling in/out of the country or lock down measurements effect normal use of services as per the current official guidelines. If that happens, we can confirm a waiver with due of 2 years or we can also refund your payments, with a charge of 3% of total amount handling fee. Requested negative COVID-19 test or vaccination confirmation does not count as travel restriction or country lock down. All the possible costs related to a COVID-19 testing are to be covered by customer.


Each traveller – reservation holder has a right to file a complaint if the paid services was not provided.  If the services provided are not satisfactory, the passenger is required to immediately notify the Tour Operator about the inadequate service and file a complaint on the day of his/her arrival at the location of the service provider and to inform the Tour Operator office by email at info@edenslovenia.com or by phone at +386 31 698 966 (customer service working hours). The traveller is obligated to cooperate with the Tour Operator’s representative as well as with the service provider in a well-intentioned manner so that the cause of the complaint can be resolved.  If upon arrival the traveller is not satisfied with the state of the accommodation and leaves the accommodation on his own initiative and finds another accommodation without giving the Tour Operator a chance to resolve the issue, correct the cause of the discontent, or find other accommodation for the traveller, the traveller does not have a right to request a refund or make a claim for compensation, regardless of the fact that his/her reasons were justified or not.   The traveller should accept the proposed solution which corresponds with the service rendered on the spot, the Tour Operators will not take additional complaints into consideration or respond to them.   If the problem is not resolved on the spot following an intervention, the traveller is obligated to submit a written complaint along with supporting documents as well as any photographs to support the complaint to the agency by e-mail at info@edenslovenia.com or by post mail no later than 60 days following the return of the traveller from his/her trip. The Agency shall only take into consideration fully documented complaints which are received within the 60-day deadline.   The agency is obligated to make a written solution to the complaint within 8 days of receipt of the written complaint. The agency can postpone the deadline in order to collect the evidence and check the claim quotes with the service provider but not for more than 8 days. The agency will take into consideration only those claims whose cause could not be resolved on the spot.   The Tour Operator cannot be held responsible for climate conditions, cleanliness, and the temperature of the sea, nor for other similar situations and events which can result in the dissatisfaction of travellers and are not a direct result of the accommodation unit (for example, bad weather, improperly maintained  beaches, crowds, lost or stolen property and such).   If the traveller decides to book the special LAST MINUTE deal, then he accepts all risks of such travel. These journeys include the uncertainty of the facts upon which the agency cannot influence, and the traveller primarily due to the price accepted such a trip and therefore has no right of complaint to the agency.


The Tour Operator reserves the right to make changes of reservations in the event of circumstances which cannot be predicted, avoided or eliminated (see Article 2).

A reserved accommodation unit can only be changed with prior notification to the traveller for an accommodation unit of the same category or of a higher category and at the price at which the traveller confirmed the reservation. If the replacement accommodation is only possible in a higher-category unit where the price is 15% higher than the price of the paid reservation, the Tour Operator reserves the right to charge the traveller for the difference in agreement with the traveller. In the event a replacement accommodation unit cannot be arranged, the Travel Operator reserves the right to cancel the reservation and notify the traveller prior to the beginning of the service and guarantees a full refund of the paid amount. If the Tour Operator cancels a reservation, the traveller is not entitled to any compensation from the Tour Operator and the Tour Operator is only obligated to refund the amount paid to the Tour Operator’s account. If an adequate replacement unit is not available on the day of the commencement of the service, the Tour Operator will make an effort to provide the traveller with information on possible alternative arrangements.

Excursions departure is guaranteed only if minimum number of participants stated next to each tour is reached. In case of cancellation of your booked tour, we will notify you at least 5 days before departure. In this case, you are entitled to a full refund.


In case of events beyond the reasonable control of the tour operator, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes or labour disputes, airline flight cancellations, terminated stays, disease such as SARS and COVID-19, government regulation or advisory, terrorism or threats of terrorism as substantiated by governmental warnings or advisory notices, disaster, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, or any other cause reasonably beyond the tour operators’ control at the travel destination or in the home country of the tour operator, making the event commercially impracticable, impracticable to perform, illegal, or impossible to fully perform under this Agreement as the Parties originally contracted. In such case the tour operator may terminate this Agreement, without liability, upon written notification.


The traveller provides personal information of his/her own free will. Personal information is required for processing requested services. The same information shall be used for intercommunication. The Tour Operator is under obligation that the personal information about the traveller will not be taken out of the country or given to a third party except for the purpose of carrying out requested services. The personal information will be kept in a database in accordance with the Management’s decision on the method used for collecting, processing and securing personal information. With the acceptance of these General Terms, the traveller gives permission for his/her personal information to be used for promotional offers of the Agency.


Our team is doing their best to ensure all the possible errors and mistakes in all our publications are avoided, however due to the workload and human factor there is always a chance, that a wrong information is published, for which we apologize in advance. This includes, but it is not limited to prices, descriptions, and other available information. As soon as the error is found and reported, it is re-published on our website, where most up-to-date information can be found. We kindly ask to check the website www.edenslovenia.com for up.to-date information, if this is not available to you, we will be happy to send the requested information per email or post. As soon as the error is corrected on our website, the information published in the relevant printed publication is not valid any longer. All the changes and other amendments with regards to the price, description, special conditions, and other information will be published on the website www.edenslovenia.com, with this the information in the relevant printed publication becomes non valid.


Apartmaji.com d.o.o. is committed to protecting the personal data of customers by collecting only necessary, basic customer/user data that is necessary to fulfill our obligations; informing customers about the use of the collected data; and regularly giving customers a choice about the use of their data, including whether or not they wish to have their name removed from lists used for marketing campaigns. All user data is strictly stored and is only available to employees who need it to do their job. All Apartmaji.com d.o.o. employees and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.


All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in other currency into EUR according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.


Apartmaji.com d.o.o. uses Monri WSPay for online payments.

Monri WSPay is a secure, real-time online payment system for credit and debit cards and other forms of online payments. Monri WSPay enables customers and merchants to securely enter and transmit card data, which is certified by PCI DSS. Monri WSPay uses a 256-bit SSL encryption certificate and TLS 1.2 cryptographic protocol as the highest level of protection for data registration and transmission.

The following personal data of the customer is required for the conclusion of the contract (authorization and payment settlement):

  • Name and surname
  • E-mail address
  • Phone
  • Address
  • City
  • Postal code
  • Country
  • Type of card
  • Card number
  • Card duration
  • CVV code of the card

Monri WSPay does not process or use this personal data, except for the purposes of executing the authorisation agreement and billing.

MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Maestro and Diners Club are accepted.


The liability of Apartmaji.com d.o.o. is limited. The tour operator will not accept any responsibility in the event of delay or changes in schedules, defaults or over bookings of hotels, sickness, death, weather changes & conditions, strikes, war, political instability, quarantine and other causes beyond our control. We reserve the right to vary itineraries in order to improve the itinerary, to the travellers enjoyment and advantage.


The Traveller and the Tour Operator will aim to settle possible law suits in the application of this Agreement and, if an agreement cannot be reached the issue will become subject to the decision of the Celje Court jurisdiction, under the authority of the laws of the Republic of Slovenia.  NOTE Paying a deposit or payment in full signifies that the traveller fully comprehends and accepts the aforementioned terms.

Ljubljana, May 2024

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